Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 27/5/2024


At Quantum AI, we place utmost importance on protecting your personal information and maintaining your privacy.

Our Privacy Policy is crafted to clearly explain how we manage, gather, store, and use the data you provide through our website (referred to hereafter as the “Website”).

Our pledge to you encompasses these core principles:

Clear Communication on Your Personal Data Usage:

We are dedicated to providing you with comprehensive information, enabling you to make well-informed choices about your personal data processing. Our goal is to offer relevant details about how your data is handled in a clear and timely fashion.

Additionally, should there be a specific need to convey certain information to you, we ensure that it will be done at the most appropriate time and in the most suitable manner.

Processing Your Data in Accordance with This Policy:

Your personal data may be processed for various purposes. These include enabling access and usage of our Website, enhancing user experience, improving our services (including the Website itself), protecting our legal rights and interests, conducting business and administrative tasks to support service delivery to users, complying with legal and/or regulatory obligations, and understanding your preferences and needs.

Commitment to Upholding Your Rights Regarding Personal Data:

We recognize and uphold your rights as a data subject. You are always welcome to contact us to review your personal data, request modifications or deletion, restrict its use for certain activities or entirely, or have it transferred to you or a third party. Rest assured, we will act in accordance with legal requirements.

Ensuring the Security of Your Personal Data:

While absolute security can never be guaranteed, we want to assure you that we employ a wide range of strategies and measures to protect your personal data.

Our Comprehensive Privacy Policy

1.Scope of the Policy:

This Policy details how we handle personal data, including its collection, use, sharing, protection, processing, and more.

“Personal Data” in this policy refers to any information related to an identifiable individual. An identifiable person is someone who can be identified, directly or indirectly, using the information we have or can access.

The term “processing” here includes any operation on personal data, such as collection, recording, organization, storage, alteration, retrieval, use, disclosure, combination, restriction, erasure, or destruction.

We do not target our services at children under 18 and do not knowingly collect their data. If we find that we have inadvertently collected data from a child, we will delete it immediately.

2. Data Collection Timings:

We collect personal data when you interact with our Services, navigate our Website, or contact us. Sometimes, you provide this data voluntarily; other times, we gather it by analyzing your interactions with our Services.

3. Voluntary Data Sharing and Its Consequences

While providing your personal data is not mandatory, not doing so may limit our ability to deliver our Services, affect your Website experience, or reduce the functionality of our Services.

4. Types of Personal Data Collected

We gather data during your visits to our Website, including online activity logs, traffic data (like IP addresses, access times, pages visited, language preferences, crash reports, and browser types), and device information. Some of this data may not personally identify you and thus is not considered Personal Data.

We also collect any personal data you voluntarily provide when contacting us.

Additionally, we collect personal data that you explicitly choose to share with third parties, such as your name and email address.

5. Basis and Justification for Data Processing

We process your Personal Data based on legal foundations for various purposes.

We ensure there’s a valid legal basis for processing your data. This includes:

  • Your explicit consent to process your Personal Data for specific purposes, especially when you submit information through our Website to share with third parties.
  • Legitimate interests pursued by us or a third party, such as improving our Services or managing legal claims.
  • Compliance with legal obligations we face.

Here’s a summary of our data processing purposes and legal bases:

| # | Purpose | Legal Basis |

| 1 | Sharing your details with third parties as per your request | Your explicit consent |

| 2 | Addressing your inquiries, requests, and complaints | Legitimate interests pursued by us or a third party |

| 3 | Complying with legal obligations or court orders | Legal obligation |

| 4 | Enhancing our Services | Legitimate interests pursued by us or a third party |

| 5 | Preventing fraud and abuse of our Services | Legitimate interests pursued by us or a third party |

| 6 | Supporting and maintaining our Services | Legitimate interests pursued by us or a third party |

| 7 | Conducting analyses, including statistical studies | Legitimate interests pursued by us or a third party |

| 8 | Protecting the interests, rights, and property of us and third parties | Legitimate interests pursued by us or a third party |

6. Sharing Your Data with External Parties

Quantum AI may share your Personal Data with external service providers, like cloud storage and hosting services, IP address analysts, and organizations offering user experience, analytical, technical, and diagnostic services.

Upon your directive, we might also transfer certain Personal Data to third-party cryptocurrency trading platforms, where your data will be managed according to their privacy policies.

Quantum AI may also exchange your data among its affiliates and business partners to improve the services and products we offer you.

We may disclose your Personal Data to legal and regulatory authorities or to defend our and others’ rights, including for legal claims.

Additionally, in the event of a sale, merger, reorganization, or bankruptcy involving Quantum AI or any group company, your Personal Data may be shared with potential acquirers, investors, or lenders.

7. Cookies and Third-Party Tools

We use third-party services, like analytics and advertising providers, on our Website. These parties may use cookies or similar technologies, subject to their own privacy policies.

Cookies are small text files placed on your device to collect data for enhancing your experience, remembering preferences, personalizing content, and generating usage statistics.

We utilize session cookies (temporary) and persistent cookies (remain after your session ends). Our cookie types include:

| Type | Function |

| – | – |

| Essential Cookies | Necessary for navigation and features |

| Functional Cookies | Remember your preferences and recognize return visits |

| Performance Cookies | Aggregate statistics to optimize performance |

You can adjust your browser settings to control cookies. Blocking cookies may affect the Website’s functionality.

Our service currently doesn’t respond to Do-Not-Track signals.

8. Data Retention

We keep your Personal Data for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes outlined in this Policy, or longer as required by law.

We regularly review our data holdings to ensure no unnecessary data is retained.

9. International Data Transfers

Your Personal Data may be transferred internationally. We ensure appropriate safeguards to protect your data and provide enforceable rights and legal remedies.

For EEA residents, these safeguards include EU Commission-approved data protection, legally binding agreements between public authorities, or EU Commission standard clauses.

10. Data Security

We take technical and organizational measures to protect your Personal Data, though we can’t guarantee complete security during internet transfers.

In certain cases, we may be legally required to share your data with third parties, over which we have limited control.

11. External Links

Our Website may include links to external sites or apps. We don’t control these and aren’t responsible for their data handling practices. Our Privacy Policy does not apply to these external platforms.

We recommend reviewing their privacy policies before engaging with these sites or sharing your Personal Data.

12. Updates to This Policy

We may revise this Policy from time to time. Any updates will be posted on our Website. For significant changes, we’ll strive to notify you through preferred communication channels and by placing a notice on our Website. Changes are effective immediately upon posting the updated Policy.

13. Your Rights Regarding Data Protection

You have various rights concerning your Personal Data, including the right to inquire about its collection, review it, correct inaccuracies, and request its deletion when no longer needed. You can also limit your consent to specific processing activities.

For residents in the EEA, the following rights apply:

Right of Access

You can request confirmation of whether we process your Personal Data, access the data, and gain insights into processing purposes, categories, recipients, and retention periods. If the data wasn’t collected from you, you can inquire about its source, whether it’s used for profiling, and about safeguards for data transferred outside the EEA.

We will provide a copy of the data being processed, with further copies possibly incurring a fee. For electronic requests, the data will be in a commonly used electronic format, unless otherwise requested.

Right to Rectification

If your Personal Data is inaccurate, you have the right to have it rectified. You may also supplement incomplete data, given the processing purposes.

Right to Erasure

You can request the deletion of your Personal Data under certain circumstances. This right does not apply when processing is necessary for legal obligations or legal claims.

Right to Restrict Processing

In specific situations, you can request a restriction on processing your Personal Data.

Right to Data Portability

You have the right to obtain your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format, and to transfer it to another controller, where applicable.

Right to Object

You can object to processing based on our legitimate interests or those of a third party. You also have the right to object to direct marketing.

Right to Withdraw Consent

You may withdraw consent for data processing at any time, without affecting the legality of processing carried out before the withdrawal.

Right to Lodge a Complaint

You can complain to an EU supervisory authority about our processing of your Personal Data.

These rights may be limited by EU or Member State law.

We will respond to your requests promptly, usually within a month. This period may extend by two more months for complex or numerous requests, in which case we’ll inform you within one month of receipt, explaining the delay.

Request handling is generally free, unless your request is clearly unfounded or excessive. In such cases, we may charge a reasonable fee or decline the request.

For identity verification, additional information may be required if there are doubts about the identity of the